Holznudel - DIY Letter Press
Holznudel - DIY Letter Press
In this post I want to describe and highlight a funny DIY project named “Holznudel”. It is an open source letterpress which allows you to make prints with lego tiles. It was a lot of fun to build and it is a great activity for the kids - but also for grown-ups. This post is divided into five sections: 1/ discovery 2/ construction 3/ pieces 4/ cleaning 5/ next steps.
While scrolling through the presentations of the 37. Chaos Communication Congress (37C3) online, I came across a talk about “Holznudel”: “analogue pixelprint with lego tiles and open source printing machines" by Alain Wohlfarth (@handdrucksachen auf Mastodon).
In this 3 minutes long video, Alain describes his DIY letterpress which relies on a pastry roller. In German, a pastry roller is often called “Nudelholz” (literal translation would be “pasta wood”). So, the name “Holznudel” (English „wood pasta“) is a pun. The project is inspired by the Provisional Press.
You can find more information about this project on holznudel.de (which will actually redirect you to Alain’s online presence on https://handdrucksachen.de/37c3workshop/ ). On this website, you can discover great examples for prints, as well as detailed instructions on how to build this wonderful little device. As I had never seen a Holznudel in real life, only pictures and videos online, I was lucky that Alain was willing to assist me on my construction journey. I did send him a lot of questions on Mastodon. You can find a long exchange between Alain and myself here: https://hachyderm.io/@davidbeck/111947860492825001 Once again, thank you very much for your help, Alain. And also, a great shout out to our Ostsee Opa who helped us with his chop saw.
While I ended up with a slightly adjusted construction, I don’t think it makes sense for me to discuss the construction in detail in this blog post. Alain’s website is the go-to resource for this. But let me add a couple of images, which might be helpful for people who aim to build their own Holznudel.
What makes this project so neat is that you can use lego or lego-like pieces in order to create your printing templates.
In my case, we are relying on a mix of original Lego dots and tiles from Bluebrixx. These is the set, which I found very helpful (no affiliate link): https://www.bluebrixx.com/de/assortments/401168/Brix-Fliesen-gemischt-Dark-Tan-BlueBrixx
Printing is a lot of fun. Here are a few examples:
The bird you see here is a copy from a book named “Print & Play – de kunst van LEGO letterpress” (see https://tacit.studio/kunst-van-lego-letterpress/).
One thing I learned is that the iFixit Jimmy is a very helpful tool to remove the dirty tiles from the base plate. You can find it here: https://store.ifixit.de/products/jimmy
I usually clean the pieces in a strainer and dry them on a kitchen roll.
Next Steps
Needless to say that kids enjoy working with the Holznudel. It’s simple, but you can create awesome results. For Easter, we printed a lot of cards for grand-parents and friends.
We will certainly try more complex prints moving forward. With two or three colors.
And I am wondering whether it could be fun to transition the construction of the Holznudel to a 3D print. Wood is a wonderful material. But when you have a lot of small pieces, it becomes a lot of effort. Different sizes of screws are needed, for example. For some people, a 3D print might be easier to do. The base plate could remain wood, I think. It is the by far biggest piece in the construction. I would not change the IKEA pastry roller either. But the rest of the construction could be 3D printed, I think.
We’ll see where this will take us. In any case, this was a fun non-IT project. Thank you Alain.